Pedro Moroco,
Associate Professor for Biofabrication Research Group
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
Pedro Morouço is a very enthusiastic and provoking early-career researcher. Currently, is the Head of R&D Biofabrication Group at the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development – Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal. He is the Principal Investigator of “2bio4cartilage – Integrated intervention program for prevention and treatment of cartilage lesions; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023423 co-financed COMPETE2020 under PT2020 programme, and supported by FEDERâ€, and his research activity focuses, mostly, on products and processes engineering, aiming to bringing the gap between the lab and in vivo applications. In the last years, he has been invited to collaborate in several national and international projects, providing a significant income for the Biofabrication Group (currently has 8 grant-holders). Despite his young age, he has co-edited books, authored and co-authored more than 200 scientific works, is member of the scientific committees in various conferences, member of the Advisory Board on TERM for Cambridge Scholars Publishing, and editorial member and reviewer of various journals. His work has been presented as a Keynote speaker in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine 2016 (Manchester, UK), Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2016 (Berlin) and 2017 (Barcelona), and International Conference on Advances in Skin, Wound Care and Tissue Science 2017 (Frankfurt). Above all, Pedro is a humble researcher that understand the values of working as a team. Natural leader to reinforce the strengths and bridge weaknesses of his R&D group, developing new ideas and thinking outside the box. Finally, Pedro is aware of the role of science for society awareness. Thus, he developed skills to be able to reach wider audiences (2 awards in the National Science Communications Contests and representative of Portugal in an international event, Winner of The Publishing Method competition by the American Journal Experts, 2017, was distinguished with the New Investigator Award 2014 and Hans Gros Emerging Researcher Award 2017 from ISBS, Prestigious Award 2017 by the Leiria City-hall and named one of the Personalities for 2017 by the regional press).
Research Interest
Cartilage Regeneration and 4d Bio Printing, Biomaterials